Monday, April 21, 2008

Sprint - or, How can a Company be so Bad?

I'm one of the many that got shafted when our Nextel accounts were taken over by Sprint. Considering what I'd previously learned about Sprint, I had reservations about the outcome of that deal. Not only did my fears prove to be justified, I wish we could find a lawyer willing to take a class action suit against Sprint to get us out of our contracts. And if we could get some kind of judgement for the trials, tribulations, and plain old pain-in-the-ass that dealing with Sprint has caused us, that would be nice too!

I have never in my 65 years run across another company that works so hard to piss off its customers. I do not know of a single Sprint customer that has not had some sort of convoluted, time consuming experience dealing with what Sprint mistakingly considers, "Customer Service." All, like myself, are biding our time for our contracts to run out so that we may switch to another company without penalty.

EVERY month this year and a couple of times last year, when I try to pay my bill on-line, there is some problem with the web site that keeps me from doing that. Then when I call to resolve the issue, the PIN that worked the last time I talked to them (the previous month) is no longer working. This is the fourth month of the year, and the fourth time in a row that I've had the same or similar problems with Sprint.

One of the many questions I'd like to know is, who are the band of idiots running that company? Those of us that came over from Nextel were never treated like this prior to Sprint's intervention. It's my understanding from talking to older Sprint customers that they NEVER had a decent customer service organization, while Nextel was getting Kudos for theirs. So why, after spending so much to acquire Nextel, didn't Sprint put the Nextel people and policies into place?

But no, they couldn't think that far ahead. Instead of bringing Sprint up to Nextel's level, they drug Nextel down to theirs.

Why, with so many needs elsewhere in the company, did Sprint spend millions arguing with ATT over a freaking race car logo? While an arguement could be made that the logo could influence the buying decision of a handful of rednecks that aren't currently cell phone users; at exactly the same time Sprint is encouraging existing customers to leave and those ex-customers will be having hundreds of times more negative impact than a hood decoration ever did. Maybe someone in upper management at Sprint should take a good hard look at the basics.

Sprint is supposed to be providing Mobile Phone Service. Sprint seems to understand 'Moble' and 'Phone' okay, but 'Service' to Sprint seems to be a four-letter word. In fact, considering the inteligence I've seen demonstrated by Sprint management, maybe they do spell it with four letters. And if that's the case, I can easily understand why the letters of complaint to Sprint get form letters in reply and are never read or have the issues addressed by managment. It's quite possible that Sprint management can't read OR write.

I don't own any Sprint stock and if I did, I'd sell it. I can't see any hope of improvement on the course this company is taking.